Comprehensive Eye Examination

Having a comprehensive eye examination every year is the best way to enjoy good vision. Many eye and vision problems have no obvious signs or symptoms. As a result, individuals are often unaware that problems exist. Early diagnosis and treatment of eye and vision problems are important for maintaining good vision and eye health, and when possible preventing vision loss.

History taking, Vision assessment, Keratometry and Retinoscopy

Whenever the patient enters the clinic, a detailed history is taken regarding his ocular and systemic conditions. Vision assessment is then done, initially ‘Computerized’ with an ‘Auto-Refracto-Keratometer’. Thereafter manual keratometry is done in addition to the automated keratometry.

For children, a cycloplegic ‘Retinoscopic’ refraction is done. Retinoscopy is a technique to obtain the objective measurement of spectacle prescription. The retinoscope shines a bright light into the eye while the doctor observes the reflection of the light from retina and estimates the spectacle prescription power with the help of lenses. This is very essential for children who do not respond well and to elicit latent refractive power.

Cover Test

During this test, the eye doctor covers one eye at a time to detect any ocular deviation such as strabismus or squint. Essentially it measures how well the eyes work together, fusion and depth perception.

Tonometry and Gonioscopy

Eye Pressure is estimated by ‘Non-Contact Tonometer’ also known by the patients as the ‘air puff test’. Contact Tonometry with Goldman’s Applanation Tonometer involves touching a probe to the cornea after applying a numbing eyedrop and is the preferred method for some patients. Perkins Goniolens is used to see the angles of the eye. In certain individuals the eye angles may be narrow and or the intraocular pressure may be high without even the patient knowing about it. These have long term consequences like acute Angle-closure attack, Open-angle glaucoma, etc.

Anterior Segment and Dilated fundus examination

Slit-lamp is a special high-power microscope to examine the structures of the eye, testing for infections or ocular diseases. This test is beneficial for detecting conjunctivitis, and other eye diseases like cataract, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, etc. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy is used to visualize the periphery of the retina.
